The Oaks Clinic offers comprehensive services for pregnant women in its modern clinic in Loughton, Essex. The clinic is accredited for Downs Syndrome screening. 3D / 4D scans are offered as part of a fetal well-being scan.
Pregnancy ultrasound scans routinely offered by The Oaks Clinic include Early viability scan, 11-13 week scan, Reassurance scan, Gender assessment (sexing) scan, Anomaly scan, Uterine artery Doppler scan, Cervical assessment scans, Fetal well-being scan, Growth scan and 3D / 4D scan (bonding scan).
The early pregnancy care service includes consultation, ultrasound scans and blood tests.
Amniocentisis and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) are invasive tests for chromosomal defects such as Downs Syndrome.
The antenatal care package includes a booking visit, followed by routine scans, antenatal visits, blood tests, telephone and email support and 6-week postnatal follow-up.
The Oaks Clinic provides experienced medical and midwifery staff for postnatal care and management of "baby blues".
We offer a full gynaecological service, which includes ultrasound scans, fertility monitoring, consultations, well woman clinics, ovarian screening and early pregnancy care.