The Oaks Clinic offers a comprehensive gynaecological service, which includes ultrasound scans, fertility monitoring, consultations, well woman clinics, ovarian screening and early pregnancy care. Skilled and experienced consultants and sonographers with many years experience within both public and private sectors provide the services.
Diagnostic gynaecology ultrasound
The Oaks Clinic provides state of the art scanning facilities for gynaecological conditions. A team of dedicated consultants and sonographers with a wealth of experience both within the national service and privately are available to reassure and diagnose common gynaecological conditions, which are easily identified by ultrasound.
Most gynaecological ultrasound assessments are undertaken by gently inserting a covered probe into the vagina. This route is used as it provides a much clearer view of the female internal organs and allows the gynaecologists to accurately assess if there is cause for concern.
Gynaecological scans take between 10 and 15 minutes. Facilities are available for you to undress in privacy, and you will be shown the images on the wall-mounted screen in front of you.
During the scan the consultant or sonographer will observe the uterus and take some measurements to ensure it is the correct size and shape. Abnormalities such as fibroids, which in some women may be the cause for heavy periods, can be found at this stage. The thickness of the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, can also be assessed and may be important if you are experiencing unusual bleeding around the time of the menopause or if you are trying to conceive.
The ovaries are also assessed at this scan allowing the consultant or sonographer to observe their shape and size but also noting the presence of cysts or developing follicles, which are the ultrasound evidence of a maturing egg. The scan of the ovary can also tell if ovulation has occurred recently as the casing of the follicle, referred to as the corpus luteum, can be detected on this scan. Abnormalities, such as cysts or multiple cysts bleeding within the ovary, can be detected by this scan. These findings will be shown to you on screen and with other tests indicate why you are experiencing pain, difficulty in conceiving, or irregular periods.
Fertility monitoring
The Oaks Clinic provides scans for tracking of a developing follicle (egg) and allows you tell the period when it is likely that you will conceive. Usually these scans are needed when you are placed on special fertility treatments, such as the drug Clomid.
One way of determining if the Fallopian tubes (the two tubes on either side of the uterus) are open to allow the egg and sperm to meet is by performing a Hycosy Test. This is done by gently inserting a tube into the cervix distending the uterus with a small amount of fluid whilst scanning the uterus at the same time. This procedure allows the consultant to directly visualise fluid passing through the tubes and may be sufficient to assess tubal patency as a preliminary before further tests are required. Most women undergoing this test will experience minimal discomfort; however, those that experience pain will be offered simple analgesia as required.
Gynaecology consultations
The gynaecological team of doctors and nurses within The Oaks Clinic provide both reassurance and support related to your gynaecological needs. Every effort is made to ensure you feel comfortable whilst undergoing your consultation and when you are required to undress for examination. A chaperone is provided at all our consultations.
Our gynaecological consulting room is equipped with the latest scanning equipment, with computerised records accessible at your request. Reports are handed to you to be given directly to your general practitioner.
Well woman clinic
Whilst we recognise the NHS provides a comprehensive cervical screening service, some women feel the need to have cervical screening performed more frequently. The Oaks Clinic provides gynaecological screening both by cervical smears and gynaecological ultrasound.
Should surgery be required then your consultant will arrange this for you at one of the local private or NHS hospitals as a private paying patient.
Ovarian screening
Most cysts of the ovary are simple and occur before, during and after a woman’s reproductive period. The Oaks Clinic can provide scans and blood tests, which can guide your consultant as to whether further investigations are required.
Early pregnancy care
This service complements the early pregnancy scans. The time between conception and 12 weeks can be anxious for women who are in their first pregnancy and are experiencing either normal or abnormal pregnancy symptoms. We provide an early pregnancy care service, which includes ultrasound scans and blood tests. One of our consultants will discuss the findings of your scan if there are any abnormalities, or if you feel you need reassurance about the normal findings. These appointments can be arranged to coincide with the early pregnancy scans.